Monday, June 1, 2009

LeBron James, You are not the King

LeBron James was annointed the NBA savior before he ever set foot on an NBA court. And there's no denying the man is talented. He is the epitome of a go to guy. But after his team flopped in the Eastern Conference Finals, LeBron had his first big slip-up. He stormed off the court and went home. No congrats offered to the Magic. No facing the media.

LeBron, if you want to truly be regarded as the best, you better learn to face the music. If you don't want to talk to the media, okay. But then don't invite them to your MVP award celebration. You left your teammates out to dry, leaving them to explain what all went wrong when your season crashed down.

Even worse, when given the chance to rectify it the following day, you showed no regret. You said you're a competitor, and you don't feel right shaking the hand of someone who beat you. Sadly, LeBron James isn't what some thought and most wanted him to be. He lacks the extra things that the Jordans, Birds, Johnsons, even Kobes have. It's disappointing to say the least. I hope LeBron learns from this, at 24 there's still time to turn this around. But I wonder if he's capable.

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